Rio Grande Co hosted RW Specialties/Tyvek and 34 customers representing General Contractors, Owners, and Subcontractors, in a special Tyvek Installer Certification class. This class was held on Thursday February 25th in the Rio Grande Co. Training Center. We were very pleased to have Jim Holt, Tim Gleason, and Herman Lopez, all Tyvek Specialists along with Susanne Griffin, Dupont Regional Manager with us as our trainers. TheDuPont Weatherization Systems Commercial Certified Installer program helps contractors provide superior service and support for general contractors and architects when it comes to installing Dupont Weatherization System products. This comprehensive training program gives you the opportunity to learn installation methods and increase your safety knowledge. Support is offered by DuPont in national print and online advertising in trade publications. Attendees were taught mores about the 10-Year limited Warranty from DuPont and the DuPont Weatherization Systems Certified Installer Marketing Kit that includes advertising and sales materials. All attendees were given a test at the end our our training session to complete their certification. We are happy to report that all the members of this training session were extremely attentive and were able to pass the test. We were able to have a quick bite to eat together four lunch as the program ended at noon and everyone departed back to their various job sites and offices. We are thankful for the participation of all the Rio Grande Co staff as well as RW Specialties staff that helped to make this such a tremendous success. We are grateful to have this kind of support from our vendor partners. Thanks to all the customers that took time out of thei
r busy schedules to come a participate in this certification class as well.