With a little help from the staff at Rio Grande Co. you can offer your customer an architectural alternative to plain gray concrete.
Top-Cast by Grace is a breakthrough, easy to use concrete surface retarder. Unlike conventional retarders Top-Cast does not need to be covered with plastic or timed. There is no special equipment or training needed.
When used on integrally colored concrete or plain gray Top-Cast offers a comprehensive rang

Placing and finishing guidelines.
• When using Top-Cast a 6 sack mix is recommended to achieve correct etch (564 lbs cement)
• Mix design will typically contain approximately a 50/50 ratio of coarse to fine aggregate.
• Concrete should be placed between a 4” to 5” slump
• Finishing should be similar to broomed concrete

• When surface is smooth, free of bleed water and firm enough to normally be broomed, Top-Cast should be applied. Application should be earlier versus later.
• Concrete surface must be free of trowel marks or they will show up later
• Apply Top-Cast between 200 to 300 sq. ft. per gallon using a normal Chapin type sprayer
• Once Top-Cast is applied it is not necessary to cover with plastic, unless rainfall is expected before the final wash
• Depending on temperature and setting characteristics of the mix design

• Depending on time of removal a water hose and stiff broom can be used, pressure washer or floor scrubber also work well.
Finish off the job with a high quality sealer. You have a Architectural finish for a few pennies more then a broomfinsh!
The following video is very informative;

You can also contact;
Jake Hahn (303)210-9556
AJ Fox (303)901-3068
Or Rio Grande (303)825-2211