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Thursday, December 15, 2011

You're invited to a DOW Insulation Training Class

We are very happy to partner with DOW chemical to provide insulation products to our customers. We will be hosting a special training class on January 19th to cover products, systems, and building sciences regarding DOW insulation products. (See the flyer above, and talk with your salesman for additional information)  Steve Dawson, DOW Chemical, will be our presenter, and this training class will be held in the Rio Grande Co training center. We have room for 30 people in each class and will reserve space on a first come first served basis. We will add a second class from 1pm to 4pm if the class expands beyond one session. All attendees will be required to RSVP to Vince Mattei at  vmattei@riograndeco.com.

Cleaning and Sealing Tile and Masonry Training Class

 Rio Grande Co hosted a training class on the 7th of December to instruct on the intricacies of the ever changing business of Tile and Masonry. We were instructed by Ed Nagel of Nagel and Associates who represents Prosoco. Ed has over 20 years experience selling and teaching about these products and systems. The class was very informative and was attended by over 35 contractors. It was a pleasure to have Ed and all the customers that chose to be with us for this fantastic event. We will hold similar events in the near future. Our training center at Rio Grande Co is ideal for hosting these types of training classes and we are thrilled to have vendors who are willing to partner with us to stand with us as leaders of the market in each of the product categories that we represent.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Rio-Cycler Bulk mortar and grout bins

Check out Rio Grande Co.'s bulk mortar and grout bins. These bins allow you to have consistently high quality product without the mess of a sand pile, piles of pallets, or returnable super-sacks that you have to keep track of. These bins also allow you to stack them neatly in a small area taking up less room than traditional mason mixing areas. Because these bins are water tight, you don't have the headache of protecting them from the elements as you would bags of cement.
Even better is that we can provide all these benefits to you without increasing your price for these bulk materials. Call us today and we will give you all the information you need to make using these bins on your job a reality. Call Vince Mattei at (303) 218-6362 or email at vmattei@riograndeco.com